You may have noticed that the Freedom online shop has changed its look a bit, and this is part of our efforts to update our systems and make them all a bit more coherent. The shop will be bedding in for a while, so bear with us on that, but many thanks to Squashed Fly for the hard work they’re putting in.
Our new look is based largely on that of the news site, which brings us perilously close to having a coherent brand across our media platforms, but fear not, we are as non-corporate as ever and if anyone starts talking about synergy they’ll be getting a clip round the ear.
Today is our last trading day of the year, and we have a huge bundle of stuff in the shop so if you’re panicking about presents you have until 5pm to get down and have a browse. After that we’ll be showing a festive film, Joyeux Noel, which tells the story of the First World War Christmas truce told through the eyes of the ordinary French, German and Scottish soldiers who disobeyed their orders and laid down their arms. Followed by one last chance to buy all the things.
We’ll be closed from Christmas Eve and will re-open in the New Year, merry festivities everyone!