Freedom Press

Class Composition in Britain


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Notes from Below launched a project to analyse the changes in work and the working class in contemporary Britain, based on a collective research process led by workplace militants.

In Chapter 1 we reproduce the article that launched the project. We set a very ambitious target: “to collectively produce an overall analysis of contemporary class composition in Britain” and launched a national survey. We have reproduced the initial findings in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3 we provide an analysis of work in Britain to frame the changes in class composition. We discuss in detail changes that have taken place in particular sectors of the economy. Chapter 4 focuses on healthcare, Chapter 5 on education, Chapter 6 on charities, Chapter 7 on retail, and Chapter 8 on trade unions. The publication finishes with a conclusion and next steps, as well as including three appendices: a reflection on methods, the survey questions, and the interview questions.