Yes. It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Freedom Bookshop’s grand re-opening.
We’ll be opening next week for an initial long weekend of Friday 21st August to Monday 24th (12 noon to 6pm).
We’ve re-organised the shop, are asking everyone to “mask up” and will be limiting numbers to four customers at a time.
As we’re not really sure what kind of demand there will be for a reopening we’re going to operate a pre-booking system in half hour slots so we can make sure the shop does not get too crowded at any one time.
So we’re asking you to either message us at the Freedom Bookshop facebook page to book your slot or email and we’ll get back to you. Please don’t book any other way so we can make sure everyone is added to the shop’s guest list.
If you book but then can’t make it do let us know and, while we won’t necessarily turn you away if you haven’t booked, don’t be surprised if we can’t let you in if you don’t.
We are looking forward to seeing you all and your spectacular array of fancy face protectors. In the meantime you can still order online as we’re posting out parcels roughly twice a week at the moment.