Freedom Press

The Left & World War II: Selections from War Commentary 1939-1943


The Left & World War II: Selections from the Anarchist Journal War Commentary 1939-1943

edited by Vernon Richards, cover by Rufus Segar

This volume is one of a set which celebrates the Freedom Press Centenary by reprinting articles from anarchist journals published by the press between October 1886 and October 1986.

The main volume of which this book supplements is World War — Cold War.

The Left & World War II begins with the article “Communist Party Politics Exposed” which was in the first issue of War Commentary in November 1939 and goes on to savagely analyse the Left at war. Trade Unions, Eire, Pacifism, the ILP and the Stakhanovites are the main topics dealt with, ending with the “Funeral of the Third International.”

Freedom Press
ISBN: 0900384514
80 pages
Black And White

The Left and World War II Selections from War Commentary 0900384514