Freedom Press

Pre-order: Physical Resistance – 100 Years of Anti-Fascism

Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £7.00.

=== 12.5% pre-order discount! ===

Publisher: Freedom Press
RRP: £8
ISBN: 978-1-904491-46-0
by Dave Hann, with new writing by Louise Purbrick
Pub. date: February 13th 2025

In this important history of anti-fascism in Britain Dave Hann views a century of struggle through a grassroots, working-class lens. From the fight of the International Brigades in Spain to the Battle of Cable Street and the defence of Southall, he locates these large-scale events alongside forgotten episodes of everyday resistance, collecting voices from across the movement to highlight the ways racism was faced down in communities nationwide.

Louise Purbrick, who inherited and edited Dave Hann’s book, has extended this new edition with activists’ accounts of the formation of the Anti-Fascist Network and their role in street anti-fascism of the twenty-first century.

(Please note delivery of books will take place from launch day onwards).