Freedom Press

The Anarchist Response To War & Labor Violence in 1914


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Rebecca Edelsohn, Alexander Berkman, anti-militarism, free speech and Hunger Strikes

Rebecca (Becky) Edelsohn was a dynamic New York Anarchist active in unemployment protests, anti-militarism, and solidarity actions with both the Mexican Revolution and the Colorado miners strike at the time of Rockerfeller’s notorious Ludlow Massacre. This pamphlet examines both the New York Anarchist movement of the time (including the Lexington Avenue explosion which killed four militants) and her personal struggle — on the streets, in the courts and finally in jail. Concluded with writings from The Woman Rebel and Mother Earth.

About the publisher

The Kate Sharpley Library preserves the output of the anarchist movement. They specialise in books, pamphlets, newspaper, leaflets and manuscripts. They also aim to promote the history of anarchism by publishing studies based on materials they preserve – or reprints of original documents taken from their collection.

We don’t think anarchism can be understood by looking at ‘thinkers’ in isolation. We do think that what previous generations thought and did, what they wanted and how they tried to get it, is relevant today. We encourage the anarchist movement to think about its own history — not to live on past glories but to get an extra perspective on current and future dangers and opportunities.

Publisher: Kate Sharpley Library
First Published: 1914
This Edition: 2003
Format: Pamphlet
Binding: Stapled
Interior: Black & White
Pages: 26
ISBN: 9781873605578

The Anarchist Response To War & Labor Violence in 1914